In early January 2016, several months of discussions to establish a cooperation agreement between SABIS International School UK (SIS UK) and ULink College of Shanghai were realized. The final agreement opens the door for ULink students to attend SIS UK for 12 weeks in Term 3 starting in the 2015-16 academic year.
Up to 45 ULink students who have a minimum 8th grade English proficiency will be eligible for the program, which will integrate students into the SABIS® Educational System implemented at SIS UK and provide an opportunity for them to experience all aspects of boarding school life alongside SIS UK students.
Carefully designed to facilitate successful cooperation between ULink and SIS UK, the agreement provides for ongoing communication between the two schools. Prior to the arrival of ULink students in the U.K., a SIS UK educator of Chinese heritage will travel to Shanghai to participate in a 3-week orientation for eligible ULink students. This will help ensure that interested students have a clear expectation about the SIS UK academic program and life at a U.K. boarding school. When ULink students arrive at SIS UK, they will be accompanied by a ULink teacher, who will work with SIS UK to help them settle in before returning to Shanghai. Additional support for ULink’s students will be provided by a Chinese houseparent employed by SIS UK.
“We are very excited to have signed this cooperation agreement with ULink,” said Mr. John Nicholson, SIS UK Director. “SIS UK will have the opportunity to experience an even more diverse environment and ULink students will have the chance to experience a U.K. boarding school environment while maintaining high academic standards.”
To learn more about SIS UK, visit sisuk.sabis.net or follow SIS UK on Facebook. For information about ULink College of Shanghai, visit ulink.cn.