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Striving to prepare all students for admission to college or university, SABIS® has a long track record of helping students achieve outstanding results on a wide range of external examinations including the British-based Advanced Level (A Level) and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) as well as the American-based Advanced Placement (AP®) exam, in addition to others.  Results on these external exams from the 2012-13 academic year further extends the SABIS® record of success.

Advanced Level (A Level) Results for AY 2013

A Levels are traditional qualifications offered by schools in the U.K. to 16-19 year old students.   The exams, which are taken following a two-year course of study, are seen as a gateway to most university and college courses.

In the spring of 2013, 372 students in SABIS® member schools took A Level exams in 11 subjects including English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, economics, and business studies, among others.  Results showed that 82% of exams taken scored A* through C, with A* being the highest score. This result far exceeds the global average of 61% A*-C in the same subjects.

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Results for 2013

The IGCSE is a popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds. Equivalent to GCSEs, IGCSEs allow teaching to be placed in a localized context, making it relevant in different regions around the world.  Assessment takes place at the end of a 2-year course and can include written or oral exams, coursework, and practical assessment.

At the end of the 2013 academic year, 1,604 students from 20 SABIS® member schools took a total of 4,203 IGCSE exams in 26 subjects. Ninety-one (91%) of the exams taken by students from SABIS® member schools earned a grade of A*-C, compared to a global average of 80% A*-C in the same subjects.

Advanced Placement® (AP®) Exam Results for 2013

In addition to the British-based exams, students at SABIS® member schools also took a total of 2,725 AP® exams in 27 subjects ranging from AP® Biology to AP® World History in 2013. The AP® program integrated into the SABIS® curriculum gives students the chance to cover college-level material while still in high school, opening the door to them to earn college credit or advanced placement at university and stand out in the admissions process.

According to the results, SABIS® students earned the highest scores of 3, 4, or 5 on 80% of the AP® examinations taken in comparison to a global average of 65%.  Of particular note is one student’s achievement from ISC-Ruwais, a SABIS® member school in the U.A.E. The student, who graduated in 2013, was one of only 12 students in the world who earned a perfect score on the AP® Macroeconomics exam. (A total of 108,908 students took the AP Macroeconomics exam in the spring of 2013.)

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