Ensuring that all member schools around the globe are aligned with the corporate vision and objectives, SABIS® holds annual meetings and conferences with directors from member schools throughout each academic year. The annual U.S. Directors’ Meeting is a perennial event on the SABIS® calendar. The event, which is typically held each fall, is tailored specifically for SABIS® member schools in the U.S. and focuses on issues that are specific to the region.
On November 14, 2013, school directors from 12 SABIS® member schools in the U.S. met with key SABIS® staff and teams in Minnesota, U.S., to review performance from the past academic year, celebrate successes, especially public recognition for performance, and identify areas of focus for the current academic year. Over a two-day period, the 55 attendees participated in a number of sessions delivered by key SABIS® U.S. employees. Attendees also participated in breakout sessions that gave them the opportunity to discuss and explore individual and school-related topics.
Focusing on the theme of Leaving No Stone Unturned on the Way to Success, the meetings included updates on network growth and expansion and new developments in academics, finance, and student enrollment. This year’s agenda also gave a number of attendees the opportunity to share their school’s experiences and lessons learned. SABIS® member school, Holyoke Community Charter School located in Holyoke, Massachusetts, for example, shared their experiences in building a school culture that is geared toward the success of each and every student.
Feedback from the meeting participants was very positive. “The U.S. Directors’ Meeting provided us with a wonderful opportunity to collaborate, network, and participate in roundtable discussions. The topics covered during the meeting were very informative and provided us with the tools to improve leadership at our schools,” said Ms. Wissam Sabbagh, MAIA School Director.
“The 14th U.S. Directors’ Meeting was a very valuable meeting. I was very pleased to meet with the directors from all SABIS® member schools in the U.S. and in particular to welcome directors from our new member schools who attended this annual meeting for the very first time,” said Mr. George Saad, SABIS® Vice-President – Operations.
To keep up with news from SABIS® member schools in the U.S., follow us on Twitter @SABIS_US.