In all SABIS® schools, students are encouraged to take an active role in their education by helping their peers, and involvement as Shadow Teachers® is one of the ways students are able to do so. Tony Saroufim, an 11th grader at SABIS® International School – Adma in Lebanon, shares with us his opinions about his experience as a Shadow Teacher®.
Why did you decide to become a Shadow Teacher®?
My journey with shadow teaching began with my love for the subject I currently teach – physics – because I believe that the base for any path should always be passion. I really enjoy standing up in front of my classmates and trying to provide them with an enjoyable learning atmosphere. It is my desire that my enthusiasm for teaching will translate into attained knowledge.
How has Shadow Teaching benefitted you?
To begin with, it develops your communication skills and gives you the drive and confidence to speak in front of your students. Teaching is also the best way to learn. In addition to this, I believe that being a Shadow Teacher® provides you with the opportunity to not only develop and showcase your intellect, but also your public speaking ability.
How do you think you were able to help your classmates?
Given my lively personality, I was also able to make the subject fun, and relatively easy to understand, given the simplistic nature with which I choose to teach. This makes students less intimidated and more likely to ask questions.
Do you recommend others become Shadow Teachers®? If yes, why?
Yes, I do because I believe that later on in life the soft skills developed from Shadow Teaching can be applied in any field/ job. Shadow Teaching is an amazing opportunity that helps students who are not good public speakers, even if they are very knowledgeable in the subject itself, develop confidence in front of an audience.
All SABIS® schools around the world encourage students to be active in the SABIS Student Life Organization® (SLO®). Through participating in SLO® activities such as Shadow Teaching, students gain confidence, improve their academic standards, and are prepared for the future. If you would like to learn more about how SLO® is making an impact in schools and their communities, visit