SABIS® member schools are college-preparatory institutions that are consistently recognized for preparing students for the future by giving them a solid, well-balanced education. This recognition has come in many different forms and from all corners of the globe. The most recent recognition has come from a well-respected publication in the U.S. – U.S. News and World Report, which just released its “Best High Schools Ranking” for 2014. Once again, two SABIS® member schools earned a place on the list. The SABIS® International Charter School (SICS) in Springfield, Massachusetts, earned a silver medal ranking, and the International Academy of Flint (IAF) in Flint, Michigan, received a bronze medal ranking.
In compiling their list of “Best High Schools,” U.S. News and World Report teamed up with the American Institutes of Research (AIR) to collect and analyze data from more than 19,411 eligible public schools in all 50 states and the District of Colombia. Schools were ranked based on a three-step process that uses each state's proficiency test standards, student demographic characteristics, and performance on Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exams as an assessment of students’ college readiness.
Both SISC and IAF, members of the global SABIS® School Network, were proud to have been recognized on the U.S. News and World Report’s Best High Schools in America. SICS's silver medal ranked it 57th among high schools on the list from Massachusetts and placed it 154th among all U.S. charter schools singled out in the ranking. IAF, which has made the list for 7 of the last 8 years, was one of 2,688 high schools that earned a bronze medal and the distinction of being among the best.
"We continue to be thrilled by the national recognition that both schools have been receiving over the past several years. This reaffirms our resolve to continue improving and to never become complacent," said Mr. George Saad, SABIS® Vice-President - Operations.
To learn more about the SABIS® Educational System and the SABIS® School Network, visit sabis.net. To view the entire listing of U.S. News and World Report’s “Best High Schools” rankings, visit http://bit.ly/1hC7OhE.