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There is no doubt that school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused major disruption to students’ learning. While data on exact learning loss during lockdown have been slow to emerge, and vary significantly between countries and students’ socio-economic status, the reality is that almost all students experienced a set-back.

In order to mitigate the long-term effects of learning loss, SABIS® has a number of educational tools that students are given for all the support they need to get back on track.

One tool is the PrepList, a personalized system that allows students to re-enforce concepts they have previously missed on exams. Drawing on data collected through the comprehensive, computerized assessment process in SABIS® schools, PrepList identifies the individual list of concepts that every student has struggled to understand and apply correctly in an examination setting.  Consequently, the PrepList engine creates online materials available on SABIS® Digital Platform to help guide students’ review and target their attention on the missed concepts.  Materials available include revision sheets and interactive practice questions as well as access to explanations found in their E-books. 

Another tool is SABIS® PAL, a new personalized, adaptive learning system in the form of a downloadable application which has just been made available to students in a number of SABIS® schools. Powered by advanced artificially intelligent algorithms and robust learning processes, SABIS® PAL’s intelligence and digital content constantly adapt to each and every student’s academic learning abilities and provides them with personalized content and learning topics that they are most ready to learn. The system is also able to diagnose student’s knowledge gaps, and in turn help close those gaps by recommending the next course of action.

SABIS® E-books are also a great tool that help students practice, retain, and re-enforce their knowledge by offering a wide range of dynamic resources to compliment the learning. Engaging E-features such as computer-correctible questions, embedded glossaries, animations, dictionaries, and audio files help support and enhance independent student learning.

Last but not least, SABIS® online courses available on SABIS® Digital Platform are a great tool to help students get back on track. Online courses are full “self-study” courses that students can take online on their own time, and at their own pace. Students can access the SABIS® online courses from anywhere and study using material that has been developed by SABIS® using the teaching methodology that they are familiar with.

PrepList, SABIS® PAL, SABIS® E-books, and online self-study courses are great examples of some of the tools that are available to SABIS® students that provide additional support for them to get back on track. Combined with a well-structured curriculum, tried and tested teaching methodology, and modern technology, as well as a focus on 21st century skills, the SABIS® system offers students all that they need to achieve excellence.